Build trust in your future with the crown chakra

golden candle crown chakra faith

Are you conscious of how divine you are ?

Do you feel aligned with your inner purpose ?

Do you trust the universe ? 

If you answered no to one of these questions, it could be useful to work with your beautiful crown chakra.

“When you touch the celestial in your heart, you will realize that the beauty of your soul is so pure, so vast and so devastating that you have no option but to merge with it. You have no option but to feel the rhythm of the universe in the rhythm of your heart.”

Amit Ray

Location : Top of the head.

Association : Faith, connection to the divine, spirituality...

Colour : Usually seen as white, gold or silver.

Crystals associated : Clear quartz, moonstone, selenite, white agate...

Essential oil : Frankincense has been used for spiritual purpose for centuries and still is. You can use this sacred oil to enhance peace and relaxation states.

Mantra : I trust.

Lesson : Allowing ourselves to know and aspire. This chakra is a bridge to integrate spirituality, consciousness and trust in the universe. Called "a thousand petals", it is a connection's door to the divine.

Physical/mental issues : Headaches, brain disorders, amnesia, …

To balance this very special chakra, I found it very helpful to start a journal to keep track of my evolution. As I am following moon cycles, I always focus on my intentions, goals, clarify them constantly, evolve with them.

I, then, gain in clarity, connection to myself and universe, but also build trust as I watch life unfolding, goals being fulfilled along the path. 

Meditation is also a very good way to connect and cleanse the crown chakra. Visualize a beautiful golden line coming from the sky, filling your entire body with its light. You are always connected to the Universe, the world, the people around you. Notice it, cherish it, Trust it. 

Finally, I wanted to share with you my favourite way of working with my crown chakra : Visualization. I am a very imaginative person, so every morning I sit for 5 minutes, see the golden line I was talking about, and start to imagine myself living my dreams. I picture myself as if my goals were already here. I live and feel it in my body. I know that I will be there one day, I am absolutely sure of it, so it is my way to prepare for it. This one, can be quite tricky at the beginning, but trust me with practice it will become easier, captivating and energizing. 

Hopefully, you will have found a few ideas to dive into here. I wish you a beautiful exploration with your crown chakra.

Credit picture : Charlotte from Deep into soul


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