See beyond visible with the third eye

Are you in touch with your intuition ?

Do you trust your gut feeling, your inner knowing completely, fully ?

 If not, this is a good start to work with the beautiful and mystic third eye chakra !

“Intuition is seeing with the soul.”

Dean Koontz

Location : Between eyebrows in the middle of the forehead.

Association : Intuition, wisdom, psychic abilities.

Colour : Usually seen as indigo or purple.

Crystals associated : Amethyst, labradorite, fluorite, ...

Essential oil : Lavender for its calming properties. This oil is also known to relieve anxiety, encouraging a good sleep.

Mantra : I see the world as it is and even more...

Lesson : Allowing ourselves to see and trust what we see (visible or subtle). It also deals with our thoughts and how we work with them, with the development of our psychic abilities, clarity, spiritual awareness.

Physical/ Mental issues related : Fear, insomnias, eyes problems ….

The third eye or inner eye can be balanced and taken care of by expanding the consciousness and the gaze.

It may be through meditations, visualizations but also by developing and trusting your own abilities (such as sensing auras, listening to your intuition, pulling oracle cards,… )

I really struggled with this chakra a few years ago while I started studying energy healing. Trusting myself when I was doing the work, getting confirmation that the invisible I was seeing was visible for some other people really helped me on my journey. Trust, work with your gut feeling to balance this lovely chakra. 

Allow yourself to be dreamy , take some time to star gaze, authorize yourself to give it a try, quiet any negative chatter and enjoy the calm, the clarity, third eye can bring to your life.

I wish you a wonderful connection with this stunning chakra and a beautiful day 

Credit picture : Sonia from ash photography


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