Play with the world thanks to the sacral chakra

orange candle, orange, sensuality, sacral chakra,  Deep into soul.

Do you fully embrace and celebrate your creativity, your sensuality, your sexuality ?

Do you allow yourself to feel entirely ? 

 If not, take a closer look at the beautiful sacral chakra...

"The truest expression of a people is in its dance and in its music. Bodies never lie." Agnes de mille

Location : Lower abdomen.

Association : Sexuality, creativity, Senses.

Colour : Usually seen as orange.

Crystals related : All orangey crystals (carnelian, sun stone, …).

Essential oil : Sandalwood for its aphrodisiac, energizing properties.
Mantra : I use my five senses to feel & interact with the world around me.

Lesson : Allowing ourselves to feel. This chakra is related to our social side and intimacy, as well as the expression of our personality in creative ways. This is the chakra of sensuality, sexuality by using all our senses, being fully connected to them.

Physical/ Mental issues related : Urinary problems, candida and yeast, prostate diseases…

This chakra is a wonderful one to work with. I have always been sensing the sacral chakra as a joyful one, but for me, it is sometimes difficult to keep it balanced. Internal and external restrictions can shut down the playful aspect this centre can bring to our lives.

Embracing your senses, preparing yourself a lovely bath with essential oils, treating yourself with a hot stones massage, make yourself a homemade yummy peeling are only a few examples of how you can maintain and explore the sacral chakra…

Have fun, remember how toddlers investigate the world around them.

Another good way is to bring this vitalizing energy inside you by consciously eating oranges, clementines... Feeling a gorgeous orange energy coming in, stretching out in your entire body.

And of course, you can also wear crystals to welcome their stable energies in your life. For the sacral chakra, I often recommend a fiery carnelian, a radiant sunstone or a soothing tiger's eye.

This chakra really is all about playing and enjoying our world. I hope this article helped you find some leads to examine ! 

Picture credit : Charlotte from Deep into soul


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